Day To Night Makeup Tutorial | Danielle Mansutti

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MaRiE GeTsBlAzEd: so pretty... except wen u stick out ur tongue.. kind of a yucky surprise...

Taylor JohnsonMUA: night is sexy

Zouzou Styles: Awesome ! ♡
what's the song please ??

Jas Alice: Come to la and do my makeup for prom 😭😭☹

Bitsy Callaghan: This is beautiful 💖👏

Carmel Supportbeams: going to use this for my graduation makeup on tuesday..perfect for ceremony and then the night out..thank you!!!

Neena Polus: Danielle your such a beautiful girl love you so much xo hope to see you one day

Александра Райнова: I LOVE YOU!!!

josefin emma: omg you are so beautiful! I die <3 love you!:)

Sim T: so pretty!!


Chloé Lalande: the day look is perfect for brown eyes thaaank yoou <3

Nadia Soto: Loved this! I'm going to use this tomorrow! I have an action packed day! 😉😚 love you Dani! Keep doing what you do.

ariana guerrero valle: I love it omg

Iris Woody: You're so pretty!

thefoggylights: i wanted to see her applying the black shadow/pencil and smoking it

amy O'Donnell: such beautiful looks. x

Amastram: I love this tutorial!
It seems simple 😝 but I'll probably need to practice.. 😁
Love you and your videos! You're so pretty 😄😍😘

Frida Reyes: I love your nose, haha!Beautiful <3

ItsJustAnna xx: Love this so much Dani, so so talented !! xx
Day to Night Makeup Tutorial | Danielle Mansutti 5 out of 5

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oleg k: My lg style 3 plus don't even say anything about HDMI connected or disconnected
Tails: Don't ask y
Lorcan Rees: she is either a normal human being who was incredibly unlucky or a psychopath in a sheep's clothing -- and I have no idea which one
Quindarious Gooch: How do you get abs to work? I tried printing this same thing but it keeps making it look like a slinky and the ABS isnt sticking to itself.
Travis Best: What's the matter, Olson? You gotta turd in your pocket?
thanasap prathomwattnakul: พี่ซื้อที่ไหนครับ
Ashlee Cran: hahaha l like it

Day to Night Makeup Tutorial | Danielle Mansutti