Gold Smokey Eye Tutorial | Eye Makeup Tutorial | Teni Panosian

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Keana Allen: That's pretty

LT: Cute!

Got Gor: Very nice eyes

Neeta Shewaramani: Her facial structure is amazing omg

anh phương đào: Michelle phan?

Ashley Polomchak: When you do your lower liner do you apply to your water line or below it? I always wear eyeliner on my waterline but love the look of it under which I think is where you applied it, unfortunately when I try to put it there it never looks right

Fizyka Rozszerzona: tttttttwwwooojjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaattttttwwwwwoooojjjjjjjjjjaaaaammmmmmmmmmaaaaattttttttttttkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccii uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeee cccccccccccciii cccccccccccccii cccii........zzxzxz

Elisa Gil: I want to do this for homecoming

lila fowler: What is the name of this MP3 ? I can't find it on the link. Pls help I've been wanting to know for so many years now

al naual tihami tihami: سبحأن الله وبحمده
أستغفر ألله العظيم واتوب اليه
ﻵاله الا آلله محمد رسول الله
ﻷحوﻵ ولا قوه الا با لله

Hogan: Why does nobody use eye shadow applicators!?! Cristina was right!

Nonsense laughter: I need to learn this because I have to be in a wedding in 2 months n I want my eyeshadow to match my outfit n also be popping. This is a great video

Feroz Naseer: wow

Vanessa Lillig: SHE IS AWESOME

Qaifa Elijaah: wow

Gyaku-Gire Panda: Such a beautiful job💖 but isnt this a cut crease and not smokey eye? Cuz the dark shadow is in the crease and not from the lashes. Whatevs ur pretty call it what u want.😂

Priya nagesh: 👏👏

Adaline Terry: few weeks earlier my makeup brush-set arrived, and get that from below
It have a ideal texture (really soft) and great quality. Its quite difficult to discover a excellent makeup brush in my area, so I actually happy with my make up brush set due to the fact that it has It feel so soft and I like it. I got it on budget-friendly price and zero sending rate. I am end up being a beauty addict because of this makeup brush-set :-RRB-.

nisha chitturi: Did you prime your eyes before you did the eyeshadow 🤔

nisha chitturi: Its really easy thanks 😘
Gold Smokey Eye Tutorial | Eye Makeup Tutorial | Teni Panosian 5 out of 5

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Jeff Ford: Silly
Kuba Goździk: WTF this guy does not know how to pronounce freakin sequoia
SLIMNICS: cool, what straps on the leica . looks cool
snsearmb: In general, S90V is superior to 154CM when it comes to edge retention, but here we have a very different heat treatment: The Müller S90V has a hardness of only 58 HRC whereas the Benchmade 154CM should have a hardness of around 60 HRC. Having this in mind, it's quite understandable why the Müller S90V dulled a bit faster and cut newspaper not as good as the Benchmade 154CM.
Бакыт Турсубеков: пил я этот настой каждый день как напиток в теч месяца но боль не исчез
Robert Olariu: song ?
Lanka Theepan: nice

Gold Smokey Eye Tutorial | Eye Makeup Tutorial | Teni Panosian