Alice Madness Returns: Hysteria Makeup Tutorial

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Quinlan Stewart: You should do something for Frozen! Like what you did for Jack Skelington--the pumpkin king... just add your own spin to it!

Olivia White: Can we get an Edward Scissor-hands?

Cassie Dominguez: Love this game!!!! What an awesome tutorial!

ada wong: your really good you should do some creepypasta make up :)

beautyloverx1024: I want you & PinkStylist to do a collab so bad!

madjennsy: awesome!!

Adry Concepcion: Awesome I like your videos .

narmeena851: I love your tutorials! Madness returns is such a great game ^^ I'm just wondering: why do you always use regular make-up and not switch to airbrush? Have you ever tried to do airbrush bodypainting? Greetings from Germany

Jany B: Hey Lex can you please do a titan (from attack on titan) make up tutorial?!?!? PLEASEEEEE <3 the female titan would be awesome and you are the bestttt make up artist ive ever seen i love you <3


OneLifeDaily: this make up is SO WOW. omg, Lex

-: AWESOME ! Please do more alice madness returns- videos! <3

Haley Gladson: I really cannot express how much your videos have helped me through the past few months. It's been a rough one and it's been so nice to find a lady that has an appreciation for weird stuff, like myself. It's hard to find weird people in Oklahoma. :)

Maria J: This is A-MAZ-ING!

Rachel Chen: She's already drop dead gorgeous.

Eunhee Jung: I looove this makeup! :D <3

Renate oh: this is perfect

Renate oh: yes YES FINALLY YOU DID MY BABY yes

Corrinne Barrera: This is amazing !!! I'm actually having an alice and wonderland theme tea party and these tutorials are very helpful ^_^ can you do a regular alice make up tutorial From alice madness returns? It would be greatly appreciated :D

Jazz Wickershim: WOW! I am flat out amazed at the wok on the key!! I was watching to see if it hurt to have that big thing hanging from your neck...
Alice Madness Returns: Hysteria Makeup Tutorial 5 out of 5

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Oi, eu existo: também acho que a temporada do The World Twinkle foi bem decepcionante...
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França de Peter pan e o iggy confuso xDDD

Rhetorical Answer: I love Hornady ammo, (especially this particular round) but one thing I have noticed and it's even demonstrated in your video @ 0:25 is that there are pretty big variations in how tight the bullet fits in the casing. I have some that you can't even see a hint of a line of the back end of the bullet to some that have a very sharp pronounced expanded line around the case where it appears the bullet is in the casing much tighter. Some of them are showing a line only on one side that suggests the bullet is not being pressed in square as the line on the casing is only showing on one side or that the casing wall may be weaker on one side by a little bit. I'm really wanting to use someone's chrono to see if there are differences based on this.
preacher95: kurt, please rank the D&d5; campaigns so far ; thanks
Hexagonian: 2.1?
Phool Phool: I love moves
Goremiya Shaik: how to force moto e update to official update to marshmallow
Travis Slack: sickkkk I'm looking to buy a bike like that do you know of any body who like to sell theirs?

Alice Madness Returns: Hysteria Makeup Tutorial