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Anne Livingston: Beautifully done .. saving..💄💋 Sonya Lee: If you've already applied your face makeup (foundation, concealer, powder, etc) you might want to apply a coating of powder under the eye area to catch any fallout. Love this smokey eye look! Leslie Reyes: 10:25 lmaooo Christ Bella: perfect Sanie Masri: your a show off SpazHeadKitty: 'Beginners' my ass... Cameras: Wow! I love it!! Great makeup tutorial! You're so pretty! Hey, could you tell me what kind of light you use behind the camera to lighten up your face like that? Malinda B: I saw you use this palette last year and I have always wanted it. I finally found a shop that carried The Balm. They are amazing shadows! Great pigment and no fall out. Color goes on so opaque. Even the white :) thanks for introducing me to this and Mary Lou #PalePrincess Shemsta013: Your nose is.. Perfect Tanveeriqbal Tanveeriqbal: nice eye makeup Madalyn Scully: are u Australian because it sounds like u are? Melissa C: Your lower lashes are sooo long, i love them! and love you too Lauren! Pinksupergrl95: Wow I dont know how you came up with this way of doing a smokey eye but its GENIUS! Im such a beginner in "smokey eye" look, and even when it comes to lashes and black liner. So, I thank you for this wish I found it sooner!! Sarah: Me*if I watch smokey eye tutorials, I'll be able to do a smokey eye!* sometime later Me: I look like a freaking racoon, what happened BananaHammock: LOL how did you do your waterline like that?! I must open up as big as I can, I'm too scared I will poke my eyes! Lynne Marie: Pretty! Hello Its Me: Omg you look soooo much like Steph from take me out Miss A Bubble: So beautiful!!! kay cooper: Incredibly beautiful!! I'm may be too old for this look but I'm going to try to do this! mxmi21: I watched so many videos and yours was the only one who spoke clearly, thank you x |
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