Best Eyebrow Shaping Tutorial On YouTube As Voted By YOU! How To Pluck Eyebrows Easy

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struggler man: what the hell i'm doing here ???😂😂

KawaiiKat182: youre so pretty

وردة وردة: صارلج اربع ساعات

Geri Poppins: Thank you this was very helpful!!

Muhammed Anwar Ali: Being a Muslimah it is haram doing the shaping of eyebrows ....
Your changing the creation of Allah....Muslim women stop doing all this....Your beautiful your own way as Allah created you. stop it plz

Katie Cobbs: You are so pretty! Although I did get a little squeamish when you put the card over your eye to show where the arch should be but that's only because I cannot stand things touching my eyes. Nope nope nope nope nope.

Anita Kanani: so beautiful 😍😍😍i lv uh ur face ur eyes and specially lv ur blinking ..😘😘i dnt care tht what other say tht its annoying or other west coment bt personally i lv it uh looking grt dear...

lak fas: Guys I need some help. I'm a male here and whenever I use tweezers to pluck my brows it just rips the hair in half instead of plucking it leaving me with stubble on my eyebrows. what am I doin wrong? am I plucking too fast or are my tweezers just crap or something?

Marjean Chacon: The blinking...I just can't take it.

Mushtaqtrv Mushtaqi: where are you from?

Annette Cocks: I will give it a try are beautiful

HappyHamster: You are so pretty.

Brooke Icee: oh my, she's so pretty!!

Phillip Duong: Is it ok for me, Phillip Duong, to do this to my eyebrows?? I really like the curve and appeal

Willem Wyatt: needed this, thanks so much!

Mareefa Khan: Plucking eyebrows is sin i found on google

Why am I here I belong on Tumblr: Your eyes are gorgeous

Juan Purple: Wow she's so beautiful!

Fat Penguins: This is helpful but not for me, my eyebrows are very thick but not white

ElizabethHillVLOGS: gurrrrrrrllllll. YOU'RE SOOOOO PRETTY
Best Eyebrow Shaping Tutorial On YouTube As Voted By YOU! How To Pluck Eyebrows Easy 5 out of 5

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Puff Splix: It's best for cqb.
Yu Jay: If you put the H75 on the left, could you still fit a Blu Ray drive in if you wanted?
Ardjol Devolli: why do we need a spark gap ? can i make a tesla coil withaut a spark gap
Tegan Robson: To me, this ride is extremely boring. I got no thrill when I went on it and you do not get that funny feeling in your stomach like you usually do on roller coaster drops. It was a waist of time waiting in a 2 hour queue for a boring and slow ride
Matthew: Do you have to have a official Xbox controller? I have one from GameStop that a 3rd party controller still wired though...
David Gugsa: Don't like you bill. But I do like those Mitch Rapp books.
Luki Play: First tutorial That really helped With the Radar! thanks!

Best Eyebrow Shaping Tutorial On YouTube As Voted By YOU! How To Pluck Eyebrows Easy