Makeup Mistakes To Avoid | Tips + Tricks

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Common Makeup Mistakes to Avoid

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Makeup MISTAKES to AVOID! +13 Tips for a Flawless Face
Makeup MISTAKES to AVOID! +13 Tips for a Flawless Face

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Kellye Radford: I loved it when you explained the nose contour! Thanks for a great video. You got a new subscriber.

renu masih: thx for this is great tips. i lv u

melina paolillo: a me piace quello sbagliato :) alza lo zigomo di brutto!!!

mermaid pants: This video was a real eye opener
The contour part was really helpful, now i see what ive been doing wrong.

Vanessa Reiter: What nail polish are you wearing?

Sherry Loyer: thanks for the tips

erin verzi: heyy I lovee the way you do your eyebrows!! My right one usually comes out greattt but my left.. ugh. my right one is growing in really well but my left is growing in patchy.. especially the front hair😠 when I fill them in I feel like it always looks unnatural because im missing the front lil hairs on one & not on the other.. ive tried drawing in lil hair strokes but it just looks meh. any tips?? I'm sooooo close to getting them microbladed bc eyebrows are soooooooo important to me 😍

Roxie Eyeleers: Your "wrong" way reminds me of Jaclyn Hill !!!

ITSPEACHEZDOTCOM: this is soo helpful thanks so much babe! i love your explanations as a mua myself i feel i still make some of those mistakes on myself and im learning everyday its all about learning from your mistakes and to just keep trying/ practising.

Jamie Marie: just found your page & love your look! Question please what is the brand and color name for the liquid lip your using the light plum color

Margaret Dale: Hahahaha I love that's this is a does and don't video, and both sides of your face look great to me, but I do see the points you are getting at on your don't side

J Klp: Could you do a vlog when you get your tattoo done in September???
Love you

Dheedhify: Beautiful .... thank u so much : )

Kimberly S: This was so helpful! You just earned a new subbie! πŸ˜„

Melissa Soto: Hi Hannah! I'm wondering if you c ould recommend a good concealer for very dark under eyes? I have tried many like; mac pp, it cosmetics, wet n wild, becca etc. They all are either too dry or to creamy! Any suggestions? fyi im 36 and have sort of dry under eyes😊 thanks lady!

Ewa Kras: Which eyeliner were you using?

Amanda Lopez: You should do a bold makeup look using the new serpentina palette 😍

Michael Richardson: pretty but u look thinner without makeup lady kase

Rebecca S: You are gorgeous! Great video and great tips!
Makeup Mistakes To Avoid | Tips + Tricks 5 out of 5

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Sarah Pra: Dir auch frohe Ostern, singst echt wirklich gut :-)
MrSector9lover: tune the BOV right you'll be fine, I'm running the same system with a GFB hybrid bov 20% atoms vent and 5 full turns from where the adjustment bottoms out. Great vid man sounds awesome
GoldenGlove209: I woud kick the crap out that little patrick Swayze wannabe then id would've trimmed her freakin eyebrows
carol tenge: where is superman?
William's Animations & Art: These games are the best, but my favorite has the be super mario world.
steven LUFC: Wilder easier fight than aj?...... wilder is a big puncher he is not a skilled boxer. Ortiz will beat wilder take the belt and use it to get a bigger stake in a major fight with aj..... so i disagree with you. My opinion
Nathan Coco: Heiliger Teufel !! - da wart ihr beim Vergleich seehr genau ;) !!

Makeup Mistakes To Avoid | Tips + Tricks