Smokey Cat Eye Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill

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Lilo .savage: It’s crazy seeing how far she’s come

Missy Tina: Omg I would love too see you recreate this look! See if there's anything you'd do different! After all theres 15 million views on this!
Love you Jaclyn!

Lani Ray: What a beautiful look!!

Lidija I: who's watching 2017 ✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼

Emily Sidney: This was really easy to follow and it was the first time I ever did my eye makeup and it turned out really good, thank you for making this video x

Alyssa Perez: Who’s watching in 2017

Kimberley Sellman: The video that started my obsession with Jaclyn 😍😂

Fatma Mahmud: who is watching this in november 2017

V- Lopez: I miss her like this.

Lujain Umari: Now I realise that the younger Jacqueline looks so much like Christina Grimmie

Melissa kisses: classic jaclyn

Sheryl Chavez: She’s so little here. Lol she grew so much.


Lindsey King: It's crazy to be watching this when it's almost 2018! You've grown so much we love you !


Nicole Marie: She was so cute here! I only know her how she looks now.

Julie Schwartz: omg what a baby jaclyn she is

Vanessa Holguin: Nov. 2017 fam where you at???

Kawthar Bakhach: This looks so stressfree and to the point, thanks!!

Gordana Tomicic: It Looks great!!!
Smokey Cat Eye Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill 5 out of 5

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liljuny: Just came across this vid as I got recently got the Atrox... I was just wondering does it make a difference when the punch is executed as Ryu bobs up and down??? At the start both attacked the same time. As MC TE Ryu gets hit more his bobbing up and down at different times and thats when we start to see the differences. Or am I just being paranoid?
pcuimac: There is not even a plan A. Thankfully we can not destroy the earth. We can just erase or existence from the evolutionary tree. Nature will of course create new species that will also live and die out. And there will be no god caring for us. There is none and we are to stupid as a species to care for ourselfes because of the capitalist growth paradigm that uses up every thirty years all the energy all humanity has used until that point in time. Exponential growth is not sustainable. But exponential growth is exactly what our money system and therefore capitalism wants to achieve! It's pure madness. The religion of money and god is humans downfall, because both are illusions.
R- omg: Thank you for this ... Ndopatinotoonerawo isu vakakindikana kuuya ..🙏 congratulations to the winners .
MrCRMapleFarm: I just got one finally. Yes they are out there, but definitely one of the less common attachments. Interesting tires on that L. Have not seen that tread pattern before.
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Smokey Cat Eye Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill